Three Huts

Pat Gibbons

The story is told of a man who was shipwrecked. He was the only survivor. He swam to a small, uncharted island and lived there for five years. After five years, a sailor on a passing ship noticed smoke from a campfire, which led to the shipwrecked man’s rescue. When they were leaving the island, a sailor and the rescued man were looking back to the scene on the island. The sailor noticed that there were three huts, so he asked the rescued man why there were three huts. The rescued man replied, “The first one was where I lived for five years. The second one was where I went to church. The third one was where I used to go to church before I got mad and left.”

This is a comical story, but, when applied to the actions of some people regarding the church, it is not quite so funny. For it seems that often times people get offended and leave the church where they have been members for some time. Some say that the preacher hurt their feelings, or that some member offended them. Others get offended because no one comes to see them, especially the preacher. Sometimes, when someone does not get his way, he gets his feelings hurt and quits or goes to another congregation.

To the Lord this is a sad condition. When brethren cannot be happy with one another and do not strive to do what is best for the church, but rather look for what the church can do for them, they will soon get their feelings hurt, move to another church, and there have the same difficulties to begin all over again. When one is of this attitude, it is doubtful if he could worship acceptably anywhere. –119 Holden St., Rogersville, AL 35652.

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