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Introducing The Church of Christ[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Title page | Foreword | Introduction | Disclaimer
Part One
1. Predicted By The Prophets, by Leroy Durley
2. Founded By Jesus and On Him, by Hugh Fulford
3. But One True Church of Christ, by Dale Larsen
4. Not A Denomination, by Wendell Winkler
5. Jesus Is The Only Head, by Howard Winters
6. Described By Many Figures, by Maxie Boren
7. The New Testament Is Only Standard of Authority, by E. Claude Gardner
8. Old Testament For Her Learning, But Not Her Law, by William Woodson
9. Worships In Song, by James Tolle
10. Lays-By-In-Store, by James Pilgrim
11. Communes As Christ Ordained, by David Hanson
12. Follows Biblical Pattern in Prayer, Alvin Jennings
13. Preaching Is Biblical, by Richard Powlus
Part Two
14. Self-Governing Under Christ, by Wallace Alexander
15. Overseen by Biblical Elders, by Rex Turner
16. Deacons Serve The Church, by Ben Flatt
17. Preachers in the Church, by A. K. Gardner
18. Wears Only Biblical Names, by B. J. Barr
19. Evangelizing the World for Christ, by Jerry Dyer
20. God's Benevolent Hand, by Charles Williams
21. Teaches New Testament Plan of Salvation, by Joe Barnett
22. The Practice of Baptism, by Dub McClish
23. Adults are Subjects of Baptism, by Bobby Duncan
24. Role of Women in the Church, by James O. Baird
25. Upholds Godly Living, by Dan Jenkins
26. Honors God's Teaching on Marriage and Divorce, by Wayne Jackson
Part Three
27. The Scriptures are Her Discipline, by B. C. Carr
28. Worships On The Lord's Day, by Roy Lanier, Jr.
29. Seeks to Restore Original Church, by John Waddey
30. Urges All to Unity Upon the Lord, by Mack Craig
31. Fellowship for All in Christ, by Jim Massey
32. Forfeit Salvation by Turning From Christ, by George DeHoff
33. The Holy Spirit in Life of Christian, by John Waddey
34. Miracles of Bible Times No Longer Available, by Claude Guild
35. Salvation to Whosoever Will Accept, by Clarence DeLoach
36. The Nature of Man, by Robert Taylor
37. Doctrine of the Godhead, by Ray Hawk
38. Future Punishment of Wicked, by Albert Gardner
39. Priesthood of All Believers, by Hulen Jackson
Part Four
40. Rejects Outer Forms of Ritualism, by Bill Nicks
41. Give to God and to Caesar, by Bill Burchett
42. A Virgin Born Savior, by Rubel Shelly
43. The Deity of Christ, by Hugo McCord
44. An Inspired Bible, by Arlie Hoover
45. Saved by Blood of Jesus, by Basil Overton
46. God's Kingdom Established on Pentecost 33 AD by M. H. Tucker
47. Salvation by Faith, But Not by Faith Only, by Batsell Barrett Baxter
48. Church Essential to Salvation, by Doyle Crawford
49. Tradition of Men Not Accepted, by J. A. McNutt
50. Anxiously Awaits Return of Jesus, by Guy Caskey
51. Bodily Resurrection of the Just and the Unjust, by Clayton Winters
52. Heaven for the Righteous, Hell for the Wicked, by Reuel Lemmons
Paul, though an inspired apostle, was subjected to intense scrutiny when he preached the gospel to the Bereans (Acts 17:11). The authors of this text, none apostolic of course, must yield to the same degree of examination. If what they say is consistent with the word of God and true -- then it must be followed -- not because they wrote it, but simply because it is Divine truth. Accordingly, this book is not intended to be a "creed" or statement of faith in addition to the word of God, but rather an explanation of what that Divine message teaches in key areas. [See foreword.]
At the time this work was published (1981) it is believed all these men stood for a singular faith and practice. Since then, some no longer preach that singular truth: some due to death, some due to the fact that they no longer preach, some due to the fact that they no longer preach the truths they once preached. No endorsement is intended of error the writers may have taught or practiced elsewhere. Questions may be directed to TheBible.net Administrator [Disclaimer by TheBible.net administrator, not by publisher.]