This folder contains radio station access links for the following IGH programs:
• IGH-5 minute daily
• IGH-15 minute daily
• IGH-15 minute weekly
• IGH-30 minute weekly
Questions, issues, comments, etc. •
1. International Gospel Hour has always been a small ministry. We have three employees, two part-time, one full-time. Our part-time secretary handles our correspondence, our reports and manages our finances. Our part-time audio tech takes the audio I load to DropBox, adds the intros/outros and makes sure the sound quality is the best it can be. I am the only full-time employee. I not only write and record these programs — which charges all their weakenesses to my account — I manage the business side of the work, and all of the webwork, social media, and every other task needed to keep IGH going.
2. We have been told that our programs do not always get to stations in a timely fashion. I understand and appreciate that concern. Our goal has always been to be more timely, but that's one of those "easier said than done" things.
3. It takes me seconds to load files for our audio tech to access them. But it takes me many hours each week to read, research, write and record them. That's not an excuse. It does not give me the right to be behind. It does, however, I hope, provide some insight into what I need to do to be more timely. It has been a challenge. And recently, it has been that much more of a challenge.5
4. Getting things done in a timely fashion will always be challenging. But, in the last few weeks, it has been harder. First, because my writing/working schedule has demanded more of my time, and second, because my wife and I are caring for a family member battling cancer in our home. My wife provides a lot of the care, but I am needed as well. And while, in a perfect world, I can reach my goal and turn out three to four thousand words of half-way decent content each day, what it takes to do so lately has been challenging. It will be that way until our family member passes from this life. [Bill, my wife's brother died on Saturday March 2, 2019.]
5. I apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you, and will, as I can, work to correct this problem.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
In Christ,
Jody Apple