McGarvey On Baptism

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 12:45 PM

Imagine That We Have Never Heard The Word "Baptism"


On July 2, 1893, John William McGarvey, long time instructor at the College of The Bible in Lexingtoon, Kentucky,  delivered a unique sermon on baptism.

The premise, in McGarvey's own words, "imagine that we have never heard the word 'baptism.' "

That sounds like an impossible task, but McGarvey, stared in Matthew's gospel, briefly scanned the first two chapters and then slowed down when he reached Matthew 3, where the word "baptism" appears for the first time.

As McGarvey worked his way through the New Testament, imagining that neither he nor his audience had ever encountered the word "baptism" before, he said: "Why, there is a word I never saw before; I never heard of it. I wonder what it means--that these people were baptized by that man in the river Jordan. I would like to know what it means, but I believe I will let the New Testament itself explain it to me, if it will."

And so it went.

Every time he found the word "baptism" he would "let the New Testament explain" itself.

If you have never heard what the Bible teaches about baptism, you *need* to read and/or hear McGarvey's lesson.

Even if you have heard about baptism all your life, have your mind made up, and are convinced that you know everything that the Bible teaches about it, you *still* need to read and/or hear McGarvey's lesson.


Here are the links to the index, the print version and the audio version of McGarvey's "Imagine That We Have Never Heard The Word 'Baptism'" lesson:


McGarvey Photo:

Print Sermon: